A healing method that can help you alleviate physical discomfort, ease emotional wounds, and restore love to relationships.


“Everything Heiðrún puts her energy on, she does it with great responsibility and integrity. Before our first session I had no idea how many emotions were trapped in my heart and body. Her work was direct to the point and helped me remember many moments in my life and emotions that have been trapped both from my life and my ancestors’. Together we softly released them, clearing the energy. In each session totally different emotions were released and after our last one I felt like my heart walls have been removed and my heart feels truly open and light. I do hope many people have opportunity to experience this feeling. Thank you this unique and precious work, Heiðrún. 💕”

Aline, Iceland

My personal story

The Emotion Code came into my life when I was going through alot of deep healing. Just a few months prior I had gone through a huge shift in my life, a separation from my partner who I though would be my life partner. We had been together for 12 years since I was 16 years young and after leaving the relationship everything in my life changed.

I had been on a healing path for years, both seeking and teaching, but after this step it was as if the healing journey really begun.

The emotion code helped me integrate all the healing and transformation I was going through. It brought healing and release to the emotions and energies that had been lurking behind the scenes since what seemed to be my whole life. What had been trapped in my body finally found release and the past traumatic events that had triggered me emotionally I found myself feeling natural about.

It was at a moment when I became physically ill that I found the emotion code or it found me. With my healing practitioner we started by releasing my HEARTWALL.


The term Heart-Wall defines unresolved, unprocessed and trapped emotions carried around the heart.  It is estimated that 93% of the human population have a literal wall of negative energy surrounding the heart, made of multiple layers of trapped emotional energy.

The Heart-Wall is created by the subconscious mind in order to protect the heart from grievous injury, and it’s a good thing we have this protective mechanism when we need it.  The problem is that having a Heart-Wall is like living in a bomb shelter – it’s nice to have its protection while the bombs are falling, but if you have it forever you’ll end up feeling disconnected and unfulfilled!

One of the best parts of Emotional Release Therapy is the ability to remove the Heart-Wall!

Removing a HEARTWALL can take from 1 to 5 sessions varying from person to person.

What is the Emotion Code

This simple and transformative energy medicine method works by detecting negative emotions stored in our body and energy field through muscle testing.

Through this method I can tap into the subconscious mind of whom I am working with to find root causes of energetic and emotional imbalances causing you pain and suffering.

The subconscious mind holds all information about us. All our memories from this life, the memories of our ancestors and even memories from lives before this one.

The way you think, feel, act and are goes much farther then this life. Many throught and emotion patterns go back very far and through this work we are able to release these sticky energies.

We trap emotions when we are overwhelmed emotionally and we aren’t capable to feel and release our feelings fully. This can be from traumatic events or smaller events that might be creating energetic misbalances in our life. Though this method we can release emotional baggage easily and effortlessly.

These trapped emotions can cause pain, self-sabotage, emotional problems and all kinds of malfunction and disease, such as physical pain, anger, depression, chronic fatigue, PTSD, phobias or panic attacks.

Within the subconscious lies information that knows everything about you and why you experience specific conditions or deal with specific situations the way that you do.



COMMON emotions from this life

ABSORBED from others

INHERITED at conception

PRENATAL in the womb

PRECONCEPTION from past life

These sessions are not talk therapy. Here we focus on releasing the emotional charge and baggage from the past without the need to go into the stories.

30-60 min remote sessions where you just relax while I do the work from afar. It’s simple and effective.

And the beautiful thing about emotion code is that it can be performed for adults, children and animals! It is not uncommon for children and animals to trap emotions when they go through overwhelming events just like us!

I also offer 90 min SOUL SESSIONS where energy medicine and coaching meet if you want to go deeper.

In EMOTION CODE sessions I work through connecting to your subconscious mind and I detect and release the trapped emotions keeping you from living in the present.

We generally work with what the subconscious mind guides me to work on or on specific areas or misbalances you are experiencing and are ready to shift.

This work can be highly beneficial with any area in your life you feel stuck in wether it be creative insecurity, feeling stagnant in your work or finances, disconnection in your relationships, anxiety or depression, opening your spiritual gifts, healing ancestral traumas and overall bringing a feeling of more lightness into your daily life.

  • Heiðrún er með mjög góða nærveru og ég upplifði mig mjög örugga og að mér væri mætt í tímunum. Þetta var mjög áhugavert og lærdómsríkt ferli. Ég fann að ákveðin vinna átti sér stað í líkama og sál þegar hún var að vinna að því að fjarlægja hjartavegginn. Ég upplifði ákveðin létti andlega og ýmis líkamleg úrvinnsla fór í gang. Ég mæli með emotional code hjá Heiðrúnu með öllu mínu hjarta.

    Erla S, Denmark

  • Það er svo augljóst að þessar stundir hafða létt á hjarta mínu. Ég á mun auðveldara með að dvelja í hjartanu þegar ég hugleiði. Hugurinn er rólegri og slökunin dýpri. Það er einfaldlega léttara yfir mér. Ég mæli með því að prófa.

    Sigga, Iceland